There are a lot of fans of The Office out there, but, unlike pop star Billie Eilish, most of them probably haven't seen the entire series 12 times. Considering it only went off the air six years ago, that's a lot of diligent Office viewing, and in a new video Eilish admits that she spends a lot of her day watching it: "As soon as I wake up and when I brush my teeth and when I go to the bathroom, when I take baths and shit."
She told this to Rainn Wilson himself, who played low-key star of the show Dwight Schrute, when he showed up at her house to test her claim as the ultimate The Office superfan. Wilson, for his part, is deadpan antagonistic, calling Eilish "William Eyelash" and, when she's slow to answer, taunting her by saying, "Office fans right now are groaning with disgust at you."
But she nails plenty, including Princess Unicorn's catchphrase ("My horn can pierce the sky") and the names of both the cat Dwight killed (Sprinkles) and its replacement (Garbage). All that toilet time clearly paid off.